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Video Testimonials




What clients are saying about Noga

"Dear Noga, my healing session with you was incredible!
My skull and brain were a world of pain for me after 12 years of major surgeries and subsequent traumas. Within 2 healing sessions, I finally feel in a place of normal…No pain.

My facial and cranial bone structure is lifted and put back into alignment, (i actually felt this happen during the healing session. Not only that you went methodically through my whole system, glands, nerves, bones, organs and tissues, aligning and putting everything back into its rightful place, healed.
I am fortunate to have met you, such an incredible healer, I just cannot say enough good things about the myriad of benefits I experience in your healing sessions.
You are such a gift to humanity and we are so lucky to have you here with us."

Terry Whitaker

I highly recommend Noga!

She is exceptional in her treatment through connections of different levels of healing. 

She is gifted-in her ability to read the deeper levels of the body and to promote a healing and a balance.

I love her work. She is truly a gift.  So Magical . Truly quantum.

Batya Chivers - MSW Specializes in trauma therapy 

Noga is an amazing healer! I live in Israel so we connected by a video call and it felt like she was in the same room as me the whole time. During the session she kept asking me questions and point at and work on areas of my body that were connected to the issue that I came to see her and wanted her help with.
I felt that we touched a very deep place within me that was blocked for many years and somehow Noga was able to take me there so naturally and help me release what was blocked in it. I can definitely say that after that one session something opened lightened and was freed one of my deep desires came true; that following night I was able to meet my mom in a dream. my mother has been suffering from Alzheimer's for years now and isn't responsive at all and it is amazing that following Noga's treatment I was able to connect with my mother who appeared and spoke to me clearly in the dream.
I believe in Noga's abilities and look forward to the next appointment with her. Thank you very much Noga 

Shira Farber – Competitive Swimming Team Coach

"Thank you Noga! Being wheelchair- bound, I was Not accepting this fate. I went off grid being told my condition was irreversible and inoperable I had one route left to help me - Energy Healers. I heard about Noga’s healing and decided to give it a try. God doesn't make imperfections, man does. Gods gift is the healing power within ourselves but Souls can get tired. Energy healers will help you remember this. Noga helped me remember and Sync my body spirit and mind. My second session with Noga was like waking up from a five year coma. Money worthy for feeling this dam GOOD".

Brenda Logan

My second session with Noga was like waking up from a five year coma




"After having tried many different healing protocols from physiotherapy to intensive training to kinesiology to acupuncture and chiropractor I booked my session with Noga.  I had gone through two major knee surgeries, the latest being a total knee replacement and was not able to walk well although it had been well over one year post-operation. To my surprise, I noticed a substantial improvement on the day following my session. I waited a bit to see if it would hold and I’m happy to say that my knee and my walking have greatly improved. I highly recommend working with Noga as she was able to tap into some blockages and help me find my strength and put me back on track!"

Mati Messager- Yoga teacher

"I had an online session with Noga and I was surprised. Her abilities are direct and powerful. At first she worked with me on the energy centres, opening clearing and balancing them. Then she worked on physical pain I had in the body, it opened and she helped me release it and it was gone. It was a very beautiful experience of powerful love healing. She also shared aspects she saw and it was full of care and understanding. I definitely recommend Noga’s healing work."​

Liat Yakobi– Landscape Technician

"Noga works her magic from a distance. After an ankle sprain, I received a few remote sessions via Zoom from her and the recovery time speeded up remarkably. I was able to let go of my crutches sooner than expected. She also helped my brain to feel more balanced and clear and gave support in sorting out mental distress as well. I love when she works with colours because it feels so nurturing and healing. Highly recommend. "

Claudia Parkinson- CranioSacral therapist (& a retired RN)

"I had the privilege to encounter Noga and her Healing abilities. We have a kitten called StarDust that had digestive problems since he was born. Not antibiotics and no other medications helped him. After a few remote sessions with Noga, our kitten energy changed. He was much more active and playful (he slept a lot before). His stool start improving. The blood and mucus started to disappear from his stool :) It was beautiful to watch our cat respond to her sessions. He loved it!! Since Noga healed our cat only after a few sessions, we saved so much money by not needing to go to vets. 

I am very grateful for having Noga in our life. She also helped me with Physical pains that I had for a while. After one session with her, my pain was gone!! Her ability to see into what is happening in the body and on other more delicate levels are a gift to us all. I love those sessions so much that I am going to introduce Noga to my whole family. Thank you Noga!!"


Karen Mannion- Landscape Designer

"I have had Quantum Touch sessions with Noga and each time, I've noticed my sensitivity is opened to much more than I'm typically aware of. In one session, we focused on chronic back pain, and she spontaneously connected to early childhood trauma. We moved through it quickly, and I experienced sunshine and beautiful healing within my three-year-old self that remains sweetly intact weeks later. The back pain also vanished and has not returned! Noga has a natural capacity for deep insight and I find her incredibly tender, light and clear as a practitioner. I highly recommend working with her!"


Lyn Norton- Gardner

"Dear Noga, after the session with you yesterday, my body felt more relaxed but still tight. But a short while later, maybe about 5-6 pm, it totally released and today it still feels fantastic! (This is after 3-4 weeks of total pain and lots of heavy pain pills, which I really don't like to take, as you know.) Thank you so much!"


"Because of the way I had hurt my body by over-work, stress and 3 concussions, I have used many healers. Noga’s Quantum Healing, is over the phone and it is magical and the truest and lasting healing I have done, magical lady. My brain can function now and the pain in my sprained knees went from being swollen and a 10, to no swelling and 0 pain! And this was after one session with Noga. My knees are still pain-free even after gardening on my knees for 1-1/2 hr the other day. My brain is the happy part for me, getting more functional. It makes life very difficult when it does not function well. What would happen before is I would want to empty a box and I would look at it and there was no next. I could not get into any action, just blank. Now things start to go, “oh I can do this.” Really, it has been amazing working with Noga. To have less pain and more functions. Yippee! Thank you for your inner listening.”

Bonnie Van Rossum - Entrepreneur 

"Noga's quantum healing is amazing and I highly recommend her. Right from the first session, I noticed that major healing took place. I suffered from psoriasis for years. Noga stopped and prevented what could have been a major skin crisis, dead in its tracks to psoriasis free me. In the second session, we went over it just to make sure it wouldn’t come back. We could see it was already out, only the surface skin needed to heal to finish scaring. We would also work on other issues at the same time and Noga helped my body and brain structures release past childhood trauma and memory. I have recommended her since to my friends and family. Everyone has been responding very well to her healing. Don’t hesitate to give her a try, you will know in the first session!"


Patrick Poulin



“I received a session from Noga the day after I had a really bad fall from my bicycle. I had bruises all over and my body hurt, but I had pain especially on my right hip, my knees and my neck. She started with her hands on my right hip, and I don't really know what she did but in about five minutes the pain was considerably less. She continued with her hands on my knees and then on my neck and the same thing happened. During the session I was just relaxing and following her voice. She was making me relate to colours on different parts of my body. Also the way she related to my body was so respectful and caring that it conveyed a sense of sacredness and honour to my body. When she was finished I was so relaxed I really didn't want to move. My body felt a lot better right away but it was the next morning that I really felt way, way better, like I'd been sleeping for a week. I really enjoyed the insights, the depths and the results of the session with Noga.”

Sole Torres – Yoga Teacher and a Message therapist

“I have had several sessions with Noga and, each time, I am happily surprised at how effective she is in assisting my body to find its natural balance and alignment. Noga's approach is sensitive, warm and professional and her method is deep and precise; a lovely combination of the practical and the magical.  I have great confidence in her abilities and recommend her as a practitioner.”

Vistara Conway  -RPsych

“Noga, I came to see you after a hard winter both physically and emotionally. My Chiropractor, GP and Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor couldn't see patients throughout the Covid-19 lock-down.

I started to see you after that and it was like a breath of fresh air and a new start for me after a very difficult period. I'm single so I was alone in the house most of the time, not so good for mental health.

 I can say that the depression/anxiety is definitely less, where normally this dark season of the year is when it gets worse. I am so grateful, it makes such a difference to my quality of life. I feel better energy, I can do more, rather than being so limited due to the low energy of depression. My sleep is better too now, which has been an issue forever, since my 30's. I had to stop taking sleeping pills as I'd maxed-out on them, but then my sleep was bad.

Since working with you, my thinking is clearer than it was, in spite of still having some difficulties with memory. But I have far fewer of those totally foggy days when even simple things are hard to remember.
My back is also better in spite of recent pain. Even the chiropractor remarked last week that he's never seen me so straight in my hips, spine and neck over the two years I've gone to him. The surgeons botched the hip replacement I had a few years ago, making one leg 3/4" longer than the other, causing very bad back pain after that. The hip feels much better now and in its proper place since you helped it.

I feel lighter after each session and overall since July when I started with you. You are kind, smart, practical, respectful and supportive, which I appreciate so much. I enjoy the sessions. In them, I feel we get to explore things together and I end up with more insight than I would have on my own.

I trust your clean, clear energy, because I don't feel an agenda in it. It is a healthy energy I feel very comfortable in. Otherwise, I wouldn't have revealed the personal things I have. There are subtle but important improvements I see, like being cleaner, clearer, less cluttered and more direct than I've been for a long time. I feel so much more vital. Even when I have periods of pain, I feel freer in it than I did before. It's not just about eliminating pain, it's also about handling the pain I do have in a more productive way, being okay in it. I also enjoy all the new things you learn. I benefit of course, but I also like that the energy between us in sessions is fresh, new and strong, and that you're excited about your work. You have more and more in your tool bag every time we meet. We do new things, as well as older things that are still so helpful. I feel very solid support from you to go forward in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. BIG hug to you dear Noga!”                                         



"I deeply enjoy the sessions with Noga in my heart and bones. She has such a relaxing approach that works through my body tightness and traumas. It always leaves me rested in the sunshine on a fluffy cloud of warmness. I highly recommend working with Noga.”

Simon Hirth- Garden Designer


"I had a few online sessions with Noga as I was looking for a holistic approach to take care of some recurring health issues. I enjoyed Noga’s attentive care and how she gently walk me through each session. I often will sense her work through my day with various vibrations in my body and deepening of awareness. I definitely recommend Noga’s sessions as a great alternative/complement to mainstream medicine , and to anyone interested to get to the root of their health issues".

Elodie Gillet

“Noga, I want you to know that the healing session you gave me worked and the pain and numbness I had in my toes is now gone! Thanks to you I walked today for 3 hours a total of 15 km without any pain or numbness in the toes. During the session with you I immediately felt the changes and the energy movements in the area. Amazing how you see and feel every change in such depth. You were amazing with me and in seconds my body flowed and corrected itself, I felt it. Love you Nogi I won”.


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